Darlington Diaries: Sarah Fisher

Sarah Fisher ’13 is a captain and the starting goalie on the field hockey team as well as an RLO leader. A sociology major, Sarah is interested in becoming involved in education in some capacity after graduating from Davidson. After our recent visit to Darlington, South Carolina – home to multiple Teach For America-affiliated schools – Sarah was kind enough to sit down with us to discuss her experience with TFA as well as her interest in education. 

Sarah Fisher '13

Sarah Fisher ’13

How did you become interested in teaching/education?

My tenure at Davidson has reinforced the value of education. I have been fortunate enough to learn from excellent teachers throughout my educational career. The opportunities that blossomed from my learning experience have felt endless. Unfortunately this reality is not an option for far too many young Americans. I never thought I “would be a teacher” but I have always wanted to contribute to closing the achievement gap. I firmly believe in Davidson’s statement of purpose and I feel called to live a life of leadership and service. Whether a student wants to be a professional athlete or a doctor, their education should enable them to reach their highest aspirations. Students should never have to compromise their career dreams because their educators did not nor could not adequately prepare them. I’ve had a blast at Davidson and I want to help students not only set high collegiate aspirations, but also see these aspirations come to fruition.

What surprised you most about Darlington Middle School?

I was surprised by the support system in place for all teachers to access. I think when most people envision a Teach For America school, they imagine dark hallways, ineffective administrations, and limited resources. Darlington’s schools were full of energy, life, and engaged students. The entire school seemed committed to making a positive impact on their students.

How did TFA’s presence seem to affect the goings on at Darlington?

TFA teachers have a spark and drive to them that translate into their classrooms. They do whatever it takes to help their students succeed both in and out of the classroom.

Did this classroom visit change your opinion about Teach For America? 

It was fantastic to see TFA teachers in action, but I can’t say this changed my opinion about TFA. I believe TFA is an opportunity that you either want to be all in with or all out of. I am all in and want to be a part in this national movement.

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